SLK GesmbH

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The SLK GesmbH is a certification body operating in Austria, mainly active in organic farming and production, marketing programs and carcass classification.
The SLK was founded in 1995 as a corporation with limited liability to ensure that new evaluation and certification tasks are available in the vicinity where they are needed in superior quality.

Since its foundation, the SLK has developed into a knowledgeable and expert certification body. The greatest standing as far as the SLK is concerned is its independent and objective evaluation and certification activity. The certification of products or services is based upon these services. Today, more than 6,000 operators are inspected and certified according to different standards for organic agriculture and good agricultural practice.
Free Market
The Austrian borders are open for the world-wide trade. There is hardly any protection for the national economy through national market regulations, import duties or other import impediments. Agriculture has not been excluded either from this development.
Consumer Trust
It is important for the trust by the consumer that special promises of quality or origin of the products are being inspected and certified by an independent agency.
Trustworthy Services
In many cases, as for example in organic farming or in beef marketing, (labeling of beef) inspections and certifications are prescribed by law. Trustworthy services are indispensable in areas such as the objective classification and weighing of carcasses both for the seller and the buyer.
Accreditation in accordance with ISO 65/EN 45011
SLK works according to the principles of the ISO Guide 65. Accreditation was received after an extensive evaluation procedure through a pronouncement by the Minister of Economic Affairs, which was published in the Federal Law Publication for the Republic of Austria on April 15, 1999.
To Learn More ...
To learn more about SLK and its complete portfolio, visit:
Accredited/Approved for
- European Union - Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 on organic farming
- Codex Alimentarius Austriacus: Organic Food, Chapter A8
- Classification of meat according to Austrian legislation;
- Labeling of beef and beef products according to Regulation (EC) No. 1760/2000
- ERNTE Standards
- Production of agricultural products and food products according to the requirements of the Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing GmbH (AMA)
- Production of fruits and vegetables according to GLOBALG.A.P. standards
Inspection/Verification Body for
- Naturland Standards
- Demeter Standards
- ARGE GMO-free