Certification Services

The Quavera Alliance is a co-operation of accredited, approved and  specialized regional certification bodies with outstanding experience in different certification programs.

Quavera offers, a suite of professional services that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. Quavera creates worldwide reliability and provides access to markets for added-value agri-foods all over the world. 

Access to diverse markets is assured through multi-level accreditations to ISO Guide 17065, ISO Guide 17021 and ISEAL-requirements among our Alliance Members.

Portfolio of Services

Food and Feed Safety Certification Programs

AMA - Austrian program for good agricultural practices

BRC - British Retailer Consortium – Global standard for food safety 

CGC HACCP - Canadian Grain Commission  HACCP Scheme

DPCP - Canadian Domestic Phytosanitary Certification Scheme

GLOBALG.A.P. - Certification scheme for good agricultural practices and social responsibility    

GMP+2006 - Dutch Feed Safety Assurance Scheme

GRASP - GLOBALG.A.P. risk assessment on social practice

GTP - Good Trading Practice Certification Scheme    

HACCP - Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points Certification

ICM - Integrated Crop Management

IFS - International Featured Standards

Integrated pest management

ISO 9001 - Quality management systems

ISO 22000 - Food safety management systems

Pastus+ - Austrian Feed Safety Certification Scheme

QS-Charta - German quality assurance system for agricultural products


Sustainability Certification Programs

Climate friendly

REDcert (Germany)

Stop Climate Change (International)

Fair Trade

Utz (International)


ARGE GMO free (Austria)

Good Animal Husbandry

Neuland (Germany)

Tierschutzlabel des Deutschen Tierschutzbunds (Germany)


Brazil: Organic Regulation

Canada:  Canadian Organic Regime

European Union: Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 on organic agriculture

Japan: JAS Organic

United States: National Organic Programm (USDA/NOP)

AB Standards (France)

BIO AUSTRIA Standards (Austria)

Biokreis Standards (Germany)

Bioland Standards (Germany)

Biopark Standards (Germany)

Bio Suisse (Switzerland)

Demeter Standards 

Delinat Standards (Switzerland)

ECOLAND Standards (Germany)

ECOVIN Standards (Germany)

EKOLAND Standards (Poland)

Ernte (Austria)

GÄA Standards (Germany)

KRAV Standards (Sweden)

Naturland Standards (International)

Soil Association Standards (United Kingdom)

Organic Cosmetics

NaTrue - Natural and Organic Cosmetics (International)

Sustainable Fish

ASC (International)

MSC (International)

Sustainable Forest

PEFC Standard - Sustainable Forest Management

Sustainable Lodging 

Classification of rural tourism offers on farms (Austria)

Viabono (Germany)

Certification of Regional Origin

PDO, PGI - EU schemes for protected designation of origin and geographical indication

Regionalfenster - Certification program for regional origin (Germany)


Alliance Members