AGRIZERT Zertifizierungs GmbH

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AGRIZERT Zertifizierungsgesellschaft mbH is a certification body specialized for farm and food production as well as trade. Offering efficient and economic certification solutions to companies and producers, AGRIZERT inspects and certifies quality in the food industry.
AGRIZERT follows the rules of EN ISO 45011 and DIN EN ISO/IEC 17021 is accredited by the DAkkS - Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle - (

Due to our highly experienced staff AGRIZERT is able to give references beyond the actual certification that leads to a higher efficiency in your company.
In addition to certification solutions AGRIZERT offers trainings in quality management that meet the specific needs of the food industry.
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Accredited/Approved for
- Quality management systems EN ISO 9001
AGRIZERT is accredited for the scopes land and forestry, fishery and pisciculture (1), nourishing trade and tobacco processing (3), trade (29/1), contribution of services for enterprise (35) and health and veterinarian nature (38/1) - Food safety management systems EN ISO 22000
AGRIZERT is accredited in the categories: animal and vegetable production, life central processing 1 (meat/fish processing), food processing 2 (milk and milk products), food processing 3 (other food), feed production, catering and food supply, trade, storage and transport of food/feeds - Production of agricultural products, feed and food products according to the standards of the Qualität und Sicherheit's GmbH QS-Charta
AGRIZERT is accredited for the categories: animal feed, agriculture, slaughtering and dismantling, processing and trade, fruit and vegetable and potatoes. - Good Manufacturing/Managing Practice + HACCP for the Animal Feed (GMP+FSA Scheme of GMP+International)
AGRIZERT is accredited in the scopes: B2 (2006), B2 (2010), B3 (2006), B3 (2007) , B4.1 - International Featured Standard (IFS) for Food, Logistics and Broker
- Good Trading Practice (GTP)
- Integrated farm assurance according to GLOBALGAP standards
- Sustainable biomass according to the German Biomassestrom-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung and Biokraftstoff-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung (REDcert)