CCPB srl

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CCPB srl is an inspection and certification body for agrifood and “no food” products obtained in organic and eco friendly production.
With the merger of CCPB and IMC (Mediterranean institute of certification), CCPB is leading 5 certification companies all over the Mediterranean area approved by their respective agriculture ministries: IMC Egypt, IMC Tunisia, IMC Turkey, IMC Lebanon and IMC Morocco.

Inspection and Certification
Today CCPB certifies about 9000 operators, 8000 of them for organic products. This represents about a third of the total organic market turnover in Italy. CCPB's certification improves the quality of products and its environmental impact, ensures food safety, improves productive processes and it’s an unreplaceable service of trust towards the consumers.
On our homepage you can find all information about our certification services, an overwiew on the regulations and laws, news on the activities of promotion and events organized by CCPB and a brief summarry of the company structure and its management.
Further Services
Besides organic, CCPB operates the most important international standards in order to offer agrifood product certifications which are able to contribute to a reduction of chemical inputs such as GLOBALG.A.P., Integrated Pest Management, Traceability, protected geographical indications for typical wine and food and the "Conosci il tuo pasto" ("Know your meal") standard for food service and tourism. CCPB also offers evaluation schemes for environmental product performance. In the non food sector CCPB offers certification services for cosmetics and cleansers and for textiles.
In order to carry on its activities in the organic sector, CCPB has numerous approvals and accreditations. It is accredited by Accredia for EN 45011 and approved by several scheme owners, amongst them the Italian Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Policy (MIPAAF) and the authorisations in USA, Japan and Canada.
Accredited/Approved for
- European Union - Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 on organic farming
- JAS System (Japan)
- COR (Canada)
Inspection/Verification Body for
- Bio Suisse Standards
- Soil Association Standards
- AB France
- KRAV standard
- Demeter Standards
- Naturland Standards
- Distributor's standards