Gesellschaft für Ressourcenschutz mbH (GfRS)

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Resource Protection Ltd. (GfRS), funded in 1989, is the certification body for trustworthy sustainability standards in Germany.
GfRS first and most important mission is to protect consumer trust through effective and innovative quality assurance programs. Our highly motivated team engages in the improvement of the quality assurance for agriculture products and food.

Inspection and certification in Austria, Luxemburg and Germany
GfRS inspects and certifies more than 3.000 farmers, food processors, restaurants, caterers, feedmills, importers, exporters and major retailers. It has regional offices in Berlin, Dresden, Göttingen, Rosenheim and Schwerin.
Ongoing research and development projects support the development of effective tools for inspection and certification. GfRS together with FIBL and Louis Bolk Institute founded the Anti Fraud Intiative, an information platform to support the integrity of organic products.
GfRS is accredited by the German accreditation body DAkkS, a signatory of the corresponding EA-MLA. The inspection and certification services of GfRS are geographically restricted to the Member States of the European Union.
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Accredited/Approved for
- European Union - Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 on organic farming
- JAS System (Japan)
- GMO-free according to the VLOG-standard
- SCC (Stop Climate Change)
- Animal welfare according to the standards of the German animal welfare organisation Deutscher Tierschutzbund (Tierschutzlabel)
- Regional origin of food (Regionalfenster)