Centre for Systems Integration (CSI)

CSI homepage: www.csi-ics.com
The Centre for Systems Integration (CSI), a division of the Canadian Seed Institute, is a not-for-profit service provider of quality assurance and certification programs in Canada. CSI's mission is to offer "one-stop shop" certification and accreditation services to clients. This goal is supported by a paperless approach to inspection and certification forms and data maintenance, by the skills and abilities of CSI staff to add layers onto a certification program, and by highly trained and experienced auditors and inspectors who are able to assess compliance to multiple programs, thereby eliminating the need for multiple audits or inspections. The head office is located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Inspection and Certification in Canada
CSI is approved by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) as a certification body under the Canadian Organic Products Regulations necessary for Canadian inter-provincial and international trade of organic products and accredited according to ISO guide 65.
CSI was the first Canadian-owned and operated organic certification body to be recognized as a Registered Overseas Certifying Body (ROCB) under the Japanese Agricultural Standards. Under the Canada-US and the Canada-EU organic equivalency agreements, CSI offers access into the US and EU organic markets through certification to the Canadian organic standard.
CSI is also approved as a service provider by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) to the Canadian Identity Preserved Recognition System (CIPRS) - a program of ISO-based identity-preservation audits that CSI has been involved with since its development and inception. The CGC programs include food safety and HACCP certification. For more information on the CGC programs, follow the link to the CGC website: http://www.grainscanada.gc.ca/pva-vpa/pva-vpa-eng.htm
To Learn More ...
To find out more about CSI, please visit our website at www.csi-ics.com.
Accredited/Approved for
COR (Canada)
EU Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 on organic farming, equivalency under Canada-EU agreement
JAS Organic ROCB (Japan)
USDA NOP (USA), equivalency under the Canada-US agreement
Bio Suisse Verification
Inspection/Verification Body for
Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) - CIPRS, HACCP, CIPRS+HACCP (Canada)
Canadian Nursery Certification Institute (CNCI) - Domestic Phytosanitary Certification Program (DPCP) (Canada)